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Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have studies showing that show color-coded syringes work?

Independent and simulated use studies suggest that color-codes syringes may significantly reduce critical dosing errors.


Do you have cost justification for utilizing the Certa Dose® Epinephrine Convenience Kit for Anaphylaxis?

The Certa Dose® Epinephrine Convenience Kit for Anaphylaxis can save approximately $1,000 dollars versus autoinjectors when stocking an ambulance with products that meet regulatory requirements; those savings should increase as these products are used and restocked.

What is the volume of epinephrine in the Certa Dose® Epinephrine Convenience Kit for Anaphylaxis? 

Each vial contains 1 mL of epinephrine for intramuscular or subcutaneous injection. 

How should I store my Certa Dose® Epinephrine Convenience Kit for Anaphylaxis?

The Certa Dose® Epinephrine Convenience Kit for Anaphylaxis is designed to be stored at room temperature (20º – 25º degrees C or 68º – 77º degrees F). Kits should be kept away from sunlight and should not be frozen.

What is the shelf life of the Certa Dose® Epinephrine Convenience Kit for Anaphylaxis?

Certa Dose® Epinephrine Convenience Kit for Anaphylaxis has a shelf life of up to 24 months from the date of manufacture. Consult product labels for exact expiration date of the Kit.

For what size patient is the Certa Dose® Epinephrine Convenience Kit for Anaphylaxis appropriate?

Certa Dose® Epinephrine Convenience Kit for Anaphylaxis is appropriate for dosing patients from neonate to the 0.3 mg dose.

Can I use the Certa Dose Epinephrine Convenience Kit for Anaphylaxis for patients under 15kg?

The Certa Dose Epinephrine Convenience Kit for Anaphylaxis is FDA cleared and indicated for all pediatric patients - including those under 15 kg. 

How many doses of epinephrine are in the Certa Dose® Epinephrine Convenience Kit for Anaphylaxis?

The vial of epinephrine in the Certa Dose Epinephrine Kit for Anaphylaxis contains 1 mL of a 1 mg/mL concentration of epinephrine. Multiple doses are possible depending on the needs of the patient.

Where do I administer the epinephrine in the Certa Dose® Epinephrine Convenience Kit for Anaphylaxis?

Certa Dose® does not offer any recommendations about the use of epinephrine. Please follow your healthcare system’s protocols and your professional medical judgment.

Are there any precautions I need to take when administering epinephrine? 

Certa Dose® does not offer any recommendations about the use of epinephrine. Please follow your health care system’s protocols and your professional medical judgment.

Do you have other drugs besides epinephrine?

We plan on offering additional products in the future, including some with additional drugs. Our goal is to offer products that enable health care professionals to administer life saving medications accurately and rapidly for a variety of use cases, particularly emergency situations.


Is there a shelf life on your PALS Syringe Holder Kit? 

There is a 4-year shelf life from date of manufacture.

Does the PALS Syringe Holder Kit contain any drugs?

NO, The PALS Syringe Holder kit does not contain any drugs. Each Kit comes with 3X Epinephrine Syringe Holder, 1X Atropine Syringe Holder and 1X Lidocaine Syringe Holder, along with a retractable pediatric resuscitation tape.

CertaDose iOS App

Is the CertaDose App only for pediatric emergent dosing?

NO, The App is for use on all patients emergent dosing.

Note: All potential future products are dependent on FDA clearance and will not be available until clearance has been received

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